Category: "A?R"

New Czech movie about TELEmark skiing – trailer

08. 10. 2012; Author: Rodeista Category: Mountains, Movies

Movie about TELEmark skiing, or if you want, about free heel skiing. So, what are you waiting for? You can watch it, itA?s free! Free heel, free mind, free movie…

World Championship Cutting 2012 – movie

29. 05. 2012; 4 ; Author: Rodeista Category: Movies, Ostatní, We Support

World Championship Cutting 2012 – movie

Devils Extreme Race 2011 – European open championship in extreme kayking

16. 08. 2011; Author: Externí Category: Water, We Support

All paddlers, freestylers or just for fun kayakers are welcomed to the fifth Devils Extreme Race 2011 – official European open championship in extreme kayking. The race takes place, as usually, on the last weekend of August, from 26th to 28th. Prize money for winner!!

Absolutely great winter kayaking – Kamienna, Poland

17. 01. 2011; Author: Category: Mountains, Water

Some photos from the perfect white water kayaking near the Czech state line – Kamienna river in Poland. Kayaking at Kamienna was our program for Saturday. And after that some photos from cross-country skiing – from Sunday. Together it was absolutely great weekend in January!